Wednesday 5 December 2018

Eliza Fradd 1865

Eliza Fradd was born on the 19th November 1865 in Devon,Torquay, England to Emma E.Unknown. Emma's name could be Fradd or she may have married a Fradd; records are not clear. Eliza had three siblings; Clara,Thomas and William John Fradd.
Two went onto marry but Eliza and William John remained single their whole lives.

In 1881 Eliza was employed as a servant at age 14 in Torquay, Devon and census records show that she remained in this occupation for at least another 30 years.

Fig 1. 1881 England Census

Being a servant carried its own list of expectations, which the servant was required to meet.

Below are examples of some of the rules that the servants had to follow.¹

1 - When being spoken to, stand still, keeping your hands quiet, and always look at the person speaking.

2 - Never let your voice be heard by the ladies and gentlemen of the household, unless they have spoken directly to you a question or statement which requires a response, at which time, speak as little as possible.

3 - In the presence of your mistress, never speak to another servant or person of your own rank, or to a child, unless only for necessity, and then as little as possible and as quietly as possible.

4 - Never begin to talk to the ladies or gentlemen, unless to deliver a message or to ask a necessary question, and then, do it in as few words as possible.

5 - Whenever possible, items that have been dropped, such as spectacles or handkerchiefs, and other small items, should be returned to their owners on a salver.

6 - Always respond when you have received an order, and always use the proper address: “Sir”, “Ma’am”, “Miss” or “Mrs,” as the case may be.

7 - Never offer your opinion to your employer.

8 - Always “give room”: that is, if you encounter one of your betters in the house or on the stairs, you are to make yourself as invisible as possible, turning yourself toward the wall and averting your eyes.

9 - Except in reply to a salutation offered, never say “good morning” or “good night” to your employer.

10 - If you are required to walk with a lady or gentleman in order to carry packages, or for any other reason, always keep a few paces back.

11 - You are expected to be punctual to your place at mealtime.

12 - You shall not receive any Relative, Visitor or Friend into the house, nor shall you introduce any person into the Servant’s Hall, without the consent of the Butler or Housekeeper.

13 - Followers are strictly forbidden. Any member of the female staff who is found to be fraternizing shall be immediately dismissed.

14 - Expect that any breakages or damages in the house shall be deducted from your wages.
Fig. 2 Victorian Era Servant

Servants' Wages

In Victorian times, live-in servants, who had all their expenses (food, lodging, clothes etc) taken care of, earned as little as £10 a year, (which is only the equivalent of £77 in today's money).

This is a list of the average wages of servants (figures collected by the Board of Trade in the 1890s).

Between Maid               £10, 7s
Scullery Maid                 £13
Kitchen Maid                 £15
Housemaid                    £16, 2s
Parlour Maid                  £20, 6s
Cook                               £20, 2s
Lady's Maid                    £24, 7s
Cook / Housekeeper     £35, 6s
Housekeeper                 £52, 5s

After 1834, the institutions established by Poor Law Unions were always known as workhouses and always required the able-bodied inmates to perform work.
After the formal abolition of the workhouse system in 1930, many former workhouses were redesignated as Public Assistance Institutions (PAIs).

Eliza was shown in residence as an inmate at Great Torrington, Devon, England according to the 1939 England and Wales Register.

Eliza Fradd died in October of 1943 in Bideford, Devon, England.


1 comment:

  1. Mirëdita, ndërsa jeni duke e lexuar këtë, dijeni që problemet tuaja janë zgjidhur përgjysmë nëse mund të ndërmerrni veprime në lidhje me to sepse ajo është një grua e fuqishme shpirtërore atje e quajtur Dr dawn acuna, të cilën e takova duke lexuar një artikull në internet, ajo më ndihmoi me një magji që ma ktheu burrin pasi burri më la për më shumë se 8 muaj, ajo bëri një magji që më ndihmoi të mbetem shtatzënë për burrin tim dhe tani kemi 2 fëmijë të bukur, tani jeta ime në martesë po shkon mirë, çfarë mund të kërkoj më shumë .... a keni problem që dëshironi të zgjidhni?
    *Nëse dëshiron të mbetesh shtatzënë.*Nëse dëshiron të pajtohesh me burrin tënd.*Nëse ke nevojë të kurosh ndonjë sëmundje.*Nëse dëshiron të ndalosh abortin.Dhe shumë të tjera,   acuna e agimit do t'ju mahnitë me Fuqitë e saj të mëdha . kontaktojeni atë në whatsapp: { +2348032246310 }Email: { }


Edwin Horace Fradd 1856

Edwin Horace Fradd was born in 1856 in Durban, Natal, South Africa; the only child of Joseph Ede Fradd (a Woolen Draper) and Susan nee Norwa...